less than 1 minute read

It’s been a while since I have updated this site, less so because I have not been up to anything, and arguably less so because I have not had the time.

The past couple weeks I’ve been working towards restoring, updating, and getting my bearings again within jekyll and minimal-mistakes here while doing all the normal day to day tasks I have on my plate. I’ve felt incentivized however due to having worked on some new projects and solving some unique problems that I’ve otherwise not documented or recorded and while the majority of them are one time issues some have been interesting enough that I’d like to jot down in case they come up again.

The homelab has also grown recently, and I’ve been in charge of a great deal more - fortunately with autonomy to make necessary changes - at work, so again, likely more to talk about as more is going on.

For now though this post is a bit of a test, and not likely to hit production for a short while until some other changes are completed.